Your Place to Connect With God
Adventure Bible Church was formed when two small churches merged. We are a small, family oriented church that doesn't care about "religion", but about a living and active relationship with God.
Religion is about rules and trying to be good enough. Relationship is about growing closer to God and becoming more and more the people that he has created us to be.
If you are not into religion or just feel like a misfit when it comes to going to church, then we are the place for you. We are a church of misfits, imperfect people and "losers" by the worlds standard. But, we love God and are committed to knowing, serving, following and worshiping HIM.

Mon - Fri: 10am - 5pm
​​Saturday: 8am - 3pm
​Sunday: 7:30am - 9pm
Pastor Tim Arlet got his Degree from Lincoln Christian University (Lincoln, IL) in 2005 and has spent the entirety of his ministry in NM.
"I, like so many others, have a past. Although I grew up in church, I allowed guilt and regret to dominate my life and spent 6 years living in a bottle trying to drown it. It wasn't until God called me to something greater and used others to help me get past my "Issues" that I was able to see that God could still love and use a loser like me. Since that time, my whole world has changed and I have found that the greatest satisfaction in life is to love God and serve others. This brought me the peace that no alcohol ever could. Remember that if God can use misfits throughout the Bible and even a misfit like me, that He can use YOU TOO!" --Pastor Tim